I love to use computation to understand the world. Like any good physicist, I branched into interdisciplinary problems.
Personally, I love the outdoor, reading, writing, and learning. I have been learning a lot of new things recently, both thanks to my new job, and also my long-term plans. If you keep reading you will learn about my ongoing self-improvement projects.
What makes me unique is my persistence, where I focus and work on a given goal for years while keeping my interest alive. As a rule, I learn, evolve, and welcome change in the right direction. I read books on a daily basis, challenge myself, and welcome constructive feedback.
A summary of what I have been up to since 2014
2024-Now: I joined Amazon Rufus team to work on the state of the art generative AI models for shopping
2022-2024: I joined AWS as a research scientist in the Network capacity planning org.
2022-now: Night science project. As I love doing research I have started working on a few problems in my free time. I call it night science since It is conducted mainly in my free time, I do not get paid for any of that research, and I pursue problems that excite me. As part of that, I started new collaborations and I am constantly looking to expand my scientific network. The new problems I work on are at the intersection of nonlinear dynamics, computer science, and AI.
Here is my first paper from the night science project
Depolarization of echo chambers by random dynamical nudge, Sci. Rep, 2022
2021-2022: I joined Coda Biotherapeutics, Inc. There we focused on designing chemogentics approaches
for the treatment of neurological disorders including epilepsy and pain. Have a look at our website to learn more about my company https://www.codabiotherapeutics.com/
2019-2021: After the Ph.D., I came to Stanford University to work with Peter Tass in the department of Neurosurgery. We designed many stimulation methods for the treatment of neurological disorders including Parkinson's disease. One method that is used as a replacement for high-frequency Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is called Coordinated reset (CR); during CR phase-shifted stimuli are delivered to counteract the abnormal synchronization in neural networks. In my work, I showed a fine-tuning of the stimulation parameters is needed to achieve resynchronization, hence I aimed to improve the efficacy of the stimulation by designing new stimulation methods. See the following papers for more on this please:
Long-lasting desynchronization of plastic neural networks by random reset stimulation
Long-lasting desynchronization effects of coordinated reset stimulation improved by random jitters
2014-2019: During my Ph.D. at Ohio University, I worked with Alexander Neiman at Ohio University who is an expert in biological physics, and dynamical system analysis. That was my gentle introduction the neuroscience and biophysics. I completed a thesis titled "Collective Dynamics of Excitable Tree Networks". My tree networks were relevant to certain sensory neurons that possess myelinated dendrites, and surprisingly these types of neurons were not studied extensively, even many people have not heard of them. Electrocreceptors of Paddlefish, muscle spindles, and certain sensory neurons of touch are examples of such neurons. If you are interested to learn I recommend checking my research summary section.
Link to Ph.D. thesis Collective Dynamics of Excitable Tree Networks
Papers from or related to Ph.D. thesis